Bringing together New Zealand's diverse cultures and communities through their shared love and passion for football

Football is one of the most loved sports in the world, inspiring enthusiasm and passion from men, women and children of all ethnic groups. Since 2002, the New Zealand Ethnic Football Festival has grown into the foremost ethnic gathering and cultural celebration that Hamilton hosts. The vitality and vibrancy of the Festival is matched only by the excitement and enthusiasm of the participants. This event has been successfully organised under the umbrella of HMS Trust since 2006.
New Zealand has an increasingly diverse population. The purpose of the New Zealand Ethnic Football Festival is to bring together diverse cultures to participate in a commonly shared passion and to showcase their sporting prowess and culture to the wider community.
The New Zealand Ethnic Football Festival has the following goals:
To increase the awareness of cultural diversity in Hamilton
To provide the opportunity for ethnic groups to mix, celebrate and share cultures
To promote Hamilton City as a leader in cultural diversity and ethnic event management
To encourage and promote participation in physical activity and healthy lifestyles